ST Microelectronics manufacturing facility electronic part production

These are the most sought after and in demand electronic component manufacturers in Q1 on searches recorded on our parts search engine

ST ( or STMicroelectronics ) was # 1 in searches by far with 19.6% of all total electronic part searches for Q 4 2018. ST was followed by
Texas Instruments and Toshiba, tied for 2nd with just over 6%. The 4th most highly sought after electronic part maker was Analog Devices with 2.6% of total searches.

NEC, Intel, Semikron, National Semiconductor, Sharp, Motorola and Allegro round out the top 10 most popular part manufacturers in terms of search this quarter.

ST Microelectronics is Europe’s biggest semiconductor chip maker maker based on revenue. They are helping to drive the ‘internet of things’, including ‘smart driving’ with their integrated devices.

Texas Instruments designs and manufactures semiconductors
and various integrated circuits for almost every industry including automotive communications Power ICs and enterprise systems Power ICs.

Toshiba is a global innovator in electronic components from mosfets and sensors to diodes and IGBTs / IEGT, Toshiba manufacturers innovative DNN Hardware IP for Image Recognition AI Processors.

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